Friday 8 January 2016


Hi all!

True to my word, I have a pretty awesome surprise for you, I have three chapters to release today! Two are for Babel, but one is for my new series, The Vermilion Sovereign. I hope that makes up slightly for my lack of posting over Christmas! I like these chapters, and they are slowly building up to the end of the first major arc of Babel, but that will likely not happen before maybe the thirtieth chapter. 

What have I been up to other than writing? Well, not much really. Recently I watched Rick and Morty, and I have been looking for something to fill that void, but TV around this time becomes a bit crap. Other than that I played a LOT of Binding of Issac and hunted for new jobs, when I was not working. It's actually been pretty fun. 

Some of you might remember Lazarus, the other piece I have been working on. I still would like for that to continue, but I currently cannot summon the effort to plan for that story, for some reason. So that one might be on the back-burner for a little while. If and when I decide to work on it again, I will update and release it, but until then you will be waiting.

One more thing. I will not be updating the Vermilion Sovereign often, but it will be out at least once a month. I am currently only writing it when I am burnt out with Babel, but if it picks up some steam then I might have more incentive to write it.

Either way, here are the chapters:

Chapter 24 - The Gemstone Tree
Chapter 25 - The Statue

Chapter 1 - Leaving

Have fun, and if you want to give me a little support hop over to the donate page or click here to go to my Patreon page!


1 comment:

  1. Nice blog and absolutely outstanding. You can do something much better but i still say this perfect.Keep trying for the best.
    Ascension update
