Friday 9 December 2016

Updating when I shouldn't

Hey all!

Yeah this is a quick update to say the chapter is out. I finished it on my way to work and have had to format it on my phone, so it is jenky as hell. I'll fix that when I get up tomorrow morning.

I've been working up to this chapter for a while. It was one of the four images that I had of the story when I first conceived of Babel and I'm glad that I have got it out of my head. There are only three more in the story before the end, but two of them happen in Heaven so it's slightly skewed in that respect. I hope you enjoy it as it is honestly one of the most intentionally awkward thing I have ever had to write. It was super difficult. Anyway, here's  the chapter:

Chapter 23 - Suffering, A Thought

Have fun, and if you feel like helping me out then share this around and upvote on reddit. Enjoy!



  1. Thanks for the hard work! Love your story, please keep it up!

    Law is growing into a fine man indeed!


  2. hey man love your work! are you alright please update us soon on how you are
